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This Week in History: March 16, 1894


March 16, 1894

E.O. Weist Editor and Proprietor

Base Ball:

"The first base ball contest of the season came off Friday, March 2, between the Bope's Nine of Pleasant tp. and the Havensport club. The game was played at Bope's Corners (SR 37 and Pleasantville Road). The game closed at nine innings when the score stood 9 to 16 in favor of Bope's...David Wolf as umpire gave universal satisfaction by his fair and impartial rulings...The boys (from Havensport) failed to get onto Gus Bope's left handed curves."

Robbed And Deserted:

"The following telegram was received by Marshal C.C. Coy yesterday that has reference to two young people of our village...Cincinnati, O., March 14, '94...To Marshal of Baltimore, O....Stella Funk in our charge without money. Charles Clinger deserted her. What shall we do with her? Clinger stole her money...PHIL DESTSCH-Supt of Police...Rumors of the elopement of the above couple has been talked of for the past week...It is supposed Miss Funk had in her possession about $100 which she had received for selling her piano...The occurrence is to be deplored on account of the aged parents of the accused, who are highly respected by our citizens."

corresponding ad photos including a 1894 typo of misspelling of BAKTIMORE

Thurston Notes:

"The young people of this place, not being satisfied with two dances a week and church every night, formed...a glee club..."

"Messrs. Herbert Bope and Ernest Turley went to Basil Sunday on their wheels."

"Mr. Charles and Miss Julia Turley went to the school entertainment at Baltimore Saturday night..."

Spooks Corners: (writer's note: Any reader know the exact location of this site?)

"Ruben Fisher...a boy of about fifteen years of age met with quite an accident last Wednesday while hunting. He placed the gun on the toe of his boot...the gun was accidentally discharged, blowing off one of his toes."

"NOTICE--Lost, strayed or stolen, a small boy about the size of a man, One Geo________ when last seen was going down the Pitcher road Sunday evening. Finder please return to his mother and receive reward...RAMBLER"

Local Items:

"Johnny Crooks was calling on his girl Sunday evening again."

"Fresh Deep Sea Oysters, every Saturday, until close of season at W.R. Price's." (ad photo)

"America blue and brown callicoes at 5 cents per yard at A. Hansberger & Co's."

"The list of names published two weeks ago of those giving to the poor of Columbus...a number were omitted by several of the lists being lost... If any were missed , we would like for them to hand in their names...We have...W.R. Price, A.T. Keller."

"Dr. Johnson extracts teeth without pain by the new process, without sleep...Office Baltimore."

"Several of our citizens have been busy cutting down the old locust trees...nothing makes a town look neater than beautiful shade trees..."

"The Cantata 'David The Shepherd Boy,' that was acceptably rendered at the Bright's Church, will be given again at the Basil School hall Friday evening, March 23...admission 10 cents-reserved seats 15 cents."

Basil Items:

"Adam Poff is remodeling the interior of his confectionary and barbershop."

"The entertainment given at the school hall last Saturday evening by the scholars of the high room, was of a very good character. The Ballad 'Three Old Maids'...The net proceeds--$26--will be used toward purchasing an scenery from next performance's proceeds."

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