Baseball, Ohio (Part 11)
The Rural Community Weighs In
Writer's note: While we await the November 12, 1947, deadline set by visiting Judge Earl Parker for his decision on what the merger name for the villages of Baltimore and Basil will legally be, we continue to review the contentiousness that riddled the Twin Cities. In Part 11 a representative of the rural community vents his displeasure about the farming community who was mostly left out of the merger name controversy with their input not invited.

February 24, 1947
The Twin City News
"Though on a rural route with no vote in the matter, I am deeply interested in a name for the union of Baltimore and Basil. I abominate the name "Baseball" as one-sided and freakish. If one big interest is to give us a town name why not 'Paperville' because so many of our people depend on their living from the paper mill? Or 'Churchville' because of our finely appointed, well supported churches? Or 'Schoolville' since we have been long united in education? All of those are too one-sided, tho not as much as 'Baseball' which is not our only sport. I do not like the name recently suggested in your column, 'Ellyew.' It looks humble in print and as yew is a tree, some may wonder what kind of a tree is an Ell Yew? The name chosen by the committee, 'Blendon,' expresses the thorough intermixture of the two towns into a new one bigger and better than its two parts. I prefer the name continuing the tradition of your paper, 'Twin City' and if two words to a name is bulky, why not Twindale or Twinglen as the two towns are along two streams, the Popular Creek running through and Little Walnut a half mile north (south?) of Baltimore. Those names are dignified and suggest a pretty and fertile spot and contain the idea of two parts going into the new town. I will not fight for these names, but I want to arouse enough interest to get a better name than 'Baseball' which has been high-pressured on us by outside parties who don't care how one-sided or freakish we wish to be. Let us select a name broad enough and imposing enough that our children will not wonder what in thunder was the matter with their fathers to choose such an outlandish name as 'Baseball' for two such fine towns becoming one, as both Baltimore and Basil have always been. Yours Truly, D.D. Wagner."

September 25, 1947
The Twin City News
"Dear Editor: It seems altogether probable 'Baseball' will not be the name of our united towns...It would therefore seem the nice and proper thing to do is to withdraw the petition for Baseball and all join hands to get an agreeable name for our two fair towns. Get both Baseball and Baltimore discarded. Let me say a word for those who live on the rural routes. We have been ignored thus far tho we are deeply concerned in a good name. We trade in town, attend church and lodge there, send our children to school and have many or our good times there. It would be only common courtesy to be consulted, tho the law gives us no place. A broad, strong sponsoring committee is needed to give confidence in any effort. In this case let all the well known organizations in the town, the civic clubs, lodges and Grange designate two of their members to meet to sponsor the selection of a new name... Let's get this whole affair settled while interest is high.. D.D. Wagner"
Jim N. Reed